13 March 2010: The child in the works of Rabindranath Tagore and Janusz Korczak

“In the Land of the Tiny Crescent Moon”: Freedom and love for the child in the works of Rabindranath Tagore and Janusz Korczak. This event included a talk and poetry reading by Dr Christine Kupfer; Indian dance and songs organized by DISHAA initiative; and a youth theatre production of scences from “The Post Office” (by Rabindranath Tagore), directed by Monika Rogge.

The event was organized with Cristina Nan, Kulturtandem Heidelberg, and the Interkulturelles Zentrum Heidelberg on13 March, 5pm, Interkulturelles Zentrum Heidelberg, Germany


Dr Christine Kupfer 2
Dr Christine Kupfer