The Scottish Centre for Tagore Studies (ScoTs) has been created to promote, research and celebrate Rabindranath Tagore’s life, works and impact. It is the first UK hub of its kind dedicated to the to the life and works of Indian Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore, the first Asian Nobel Prize winner for Literature awarded in 1913.
Tagore was a poet, a novelist, a short story writer, an essayist, a playwright, a composer, an artist, environmentalist, activist, rural reconstructionist, philosopher and educationist.
The Scottish Centre for Tagore Studies (ScoTs) was inaugurated by Edinburgh Napier University’s Institute of Creative Industries. ScoTs was initiated through a memorandum of understanding between the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) and Edinburgh Napier University in November 2011. The centre was officially announced at the International Tagore Conference held in Edinburgh at 4–6 May 2012. The Scottish Centre for Tagore Studies promotes all Indian culture, education, philosophy, art and literature through highlighting Tagore’s legacy.
The Scottish Centre for Tagore Studies (ScoTs) is a research and culture centre dedicated to Scottish-Indian collaboration and global engagement. It promotes and celebrates the Indian Nobel Laureate, Rabindranath Tagore’s life, work and impact. ScoTs works collaboratively with the Centre for South Asian Studies (CSAS) at the University of Edinburgh as it affirms the continuing relevance of the ideas and philosophy of Tagore and his circle which are truly international.
Gitanjali & Beyond is an online open-access journal, published by the Scottish Centre of Tagore Studies (ScoTs), which is based at Edinburgh Napier University.
The Scottish polymath, Sir Patrick Geddes, was a close friend of Tagore, who had shared ideas on education and the environment which they implemented in Scotland and India. ScoTs is a vibrant centre which builds on Tagore and Geddes’ mission to establish a transnational dialogue between Scotland and India and the world, working with CSAS to promote knowledge exchange and knowledge transfer projects through the active involvement of scholars, writers and artists.
ScoTs provides a platform for collaborative research, cultural engagement and interdisciplinary studies, embracing and benefitting from the expertise and collaboration of colleagues at CSAS. The ScoTs library is held within the Special Collections at the University of Edinburgh Library, which is accessible to visiting scholars and artists working on projects at ScoTs.