May 2011: Distinguished Lecture Series at ScoTs; Lecture on Tagore as an Educationist by Dr Uma Dasgupta
Distinguished Lecture Series at ScoTs: Lecture on Tagore as an Educationist by Dr Uma Dasgupta, May 2011.
Distinguished Lecture Series at ScoTs: Lecture on Tagore as an Educationist by Dr Uma Dasgupta, May 2011.
As part of the Distinguished Lecture Series at ScoTs, Mrs Roy demonstrated the influence of western and Indian classical music on Tagore’s songs. Read more
Prof Faser was the chair of a three day International Tagore Conference organised by the Tagore Centre UK at the University of London.
Dr Christine Kupfer presented the paper “Unwordly or all-worldly? Tagore’s educational philosophy at Shantiniketan.” at the conference “Shantiniketan-Hellerau: Universalistische Erziehung in der pädagogischen Provinz” [Shantiniketan-Hellerau: Universalist education in the pedagogical province]. This conference was organised by the Centre for South Asia Studies, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
Prof Bashabi Fraser was a plenary speaker at an AHRC Symposium on Patrick Geddes and his Circle, under the aegis of the Centre for Scottish and Irish Studies, Aberdeen University, held in Edinburgh. Her talk was “The Shared Ideas of Two Visionaries: Patrick Geddes and Rabindranath Tagore.” Plenary talk at Aberdeen University event Read more